
This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32429497 places and counting. Learn more about Wikimapia and cityguides.

Sofia recent comments:

  • National Palace of Culture, marketolog wrote 15 years ago:
    NDK is probably Bulgaria's most recognizable building.
  • Блок 37, Mladen4o (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Celi 5 godini bqh vav tova obshtejitie! Beshe mnogo gotino!
  • zh.k. Dianabad - bl. 14, Mladen4o (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Tuk praznuvah nova godina 2006 i beshe mnogo qko!
  • Vitinya St, 5B, bl. 5, djolev (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    kv.Vasil Levski !
  • Logistic center and business complex Novoclass EOOD, marazavinagi wrote 15 years ago:
    Логистичен и бизнес комплекс „Новоклас" EООД, кв."Горубляне" в София
  • Winter Palace of Sports, LoveBG wrote 15 years ago:
    I've been here watching hockey matches in the first day after its opening in 1980s.
  • Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria, Noodles wrote 15 years ago:
    Hi everybody, I noticed you were discussing the Second Tower which was supposed to be built on this place. I just read that there are plans for a new 20 story office building on place of Tower 2: (only in bulgarian) Cheers, Antonio
  • zh.k. Lyulin 6 - bl. 606, kris_005 wrote 15 years ago:
    I live in there It's cool, because there are shops, swimming pools, schools and other stuf
  • zh.k. Strelbishte - bl. 3, emodimi (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    zapadnata chast baby, zapadnata chast!!!
  • zh.k. Strelbishte - bl. 3, emodimi (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    opa emcho e ot tyk!
  • Kara Market, egyonions wrote 15 years ago:
    ممكن نتعامل في الخضار و الفواكه من مصر WE DO EXPORT FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROM EGYPT محمد الشيخ 0020122359223
  • Student Refectory UNSS, -------- (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Lainoto, kato osnovnata 4ast ot obitatelite na nasraniq studentski grad.
  • 59 block, -------- (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I nai-maloumnite selski oligofreni. hahahahaha.
  • Invitro Hospital Dr. Shterev - Medical Center Reproductive Health, milacic (guest) wrote 15 years ago: Dr.Shterev Ob/Gyn Hospital, IVF , Fertility clinic. Medical Center Reproductive Health
  • 9, Sheyretov (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Mainframe team
  • CSC Bulgaria, obi (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Operating from September 2009
  • Snai - Consult Ltd., Orlin wrote 16 years ago:
    And all translatıons made wıth Google and inaccurate. I'm not impressed. Anyway I'll leave them with few corrections.
  • Snai - Consult Ltd., senico wrote 16 years ago:
    Added on 7 languages! Impressive :)
  • Melon Technologies Inc., fdsfsdfsd (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Melon AD
  • Second English Language School, tapciganin (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    yeah right, one of the best my balls!